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这还不算完,男篮世锦赛,胡卫东先是超高效砍下31分打服“欧洲乔丹库科奇”,随后以一己之力助中国男篮打赢西班牙,破天荒地闯入世界前八。中美热身赛,胡卫东的飞身暴扣看得斯科特皮蓬目瞪口呆。同年亚洲全明星赛,胡卫东罚球线扣篮让韩国解说高声呐喊“Asia' s Jordan”。最重要的是,胡卫东所在的球队最后输了,但胡卫东却在比赛举办地韩国成为了全场MVP球员。







NBA(National Basketball Association)是美国男子职业篮球联赛的简称,于1946年6月6日在纽约成立,由北美三十支队伍组成的男子职业篮球联盟,汇集了世界上最顶级的球员,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。NBA一共有30支球队,分为东部联盟和西部联盟,每个联盟由3个赛区组成,每个赛区有5支球队。NBA诞生了:迈克尔·乔丹、科比·布莱恩特、凯文·加内特、比尔·拉塞尔、卡里姆·阿布杜尔-贾巴尔、威尔特·张伯伦、魔术师·约翰逊、拉里·伯德、奥斯卡·罗伯特森、约翰·哈弗利切克、里克·巴里、约翰·斯托克顿、卡尔·马龙、埃尔金·贝勒、大卫-罗宾逊、朱利叶斯·欧文、查尔斯·巴克利、勒布朗·詹姆斯、凯文·杜兰特,斯蒂芬·库里、拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克、莱昂纳德、詹姆斯·哈登等,是世界水平最高的篮球赛事。

















1 杰西·欧文斯James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens(1913年7月12日-1980年3月31日)他参加了德国(纳粹时期)举办的1936年夏季奥林匹克运动会,取得了令人瞩目的4枚奥运金牌,分别是男子100米、200米,跳远和4x100米接力。为了纪念欧文斯对世界体育运动的贡献,美国体育机构以他的名字设立“杰西·欧文斯奖”,每年评选一次,奖给在田径运动中成绩卓著的各国运动员。

James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens (September 12, 1913–March 31, 1980) was an American track and field athlete. He participated in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, where he achieved international fame by winning four gold medals: one each in the 100 meters, the 200 meters, the long jump, and as part of the 4x100 meter relay team.

2 弗洛伦斯·格里菲斯-乔伊娜Florence Griffith-Joyner(1959年12月21日-1998年9月21日)昵称“Flo-Jo”在1988年汉城奥运上,乔伊娜获得了100米、200米、4*100米接力三枚金牌和4*400米接力银牌,并以21秒34的成绩创造了200米世界纪录,这个世界纪录同样也保持到了现在。100米比赛中跑出10秒49的成绩,这个成绩时至今日仍是世界纪录。Griffith was born in Los Angeles and raised in the Jordan Downs public housing complex. During the late 1980s she became a popular figure in international track and field due to her record-setting performances and flashy personal style. She holds the world records in the 100 m and 200 m races. She was the wife of track star Al Joyner and the sister-in-law of runner Jackie Joyner-Kersee.

3 卡尔·刘易斯Carl Lewis(1961年7月1日-)在5届奥运会84年到96年五届奥运会中获得过9枚金牌,2000年被国际田联评选为20世纪最伟大的田径运动员。Frederick Carlton ("Carl") Lewis (born July 1, 1961) is a retired American track and field athlete who won 10 Olympic medals including 9 golds, and 10 World Championships medals, of which 8 were golds, in a career that spanned from 19 when he first achieved a world ranking to 1996 when he last won an Olympic title and subsequently retired. Lewis, who currently lives in Los Angeles, is now an actor and has a role in the upcoming, 2010 jewel heist movie '62 pickup starring comedian Eddie Griffin.[1]

Lewis was a dominant sprinter and long jumper who topped the world rankings in the 100 m, 200 m and long jump events frequently from 1981 to the early 1990s, was named Athlete of the Year by Track and Field News in 1982, 1983 and , and set world records in the 100 m, 4 x 100 m and 4 x 200 m relays. His world record in the indoor long jump has stood since . His 65 consecutive victories in the long jump achieved over a span of 10 years is one of the sport’s longest undefeated streaks.

His lifetime accomplishments he led to numerous accolades, including being voted "Sportsman of the Century" by the International Olympic Committee and being named "Olympian of the Century" by the American sports magazine Sports Illustrated. He also helped transform track and field from its nominal amateur status to its current professional status, thus enabling athletes to he more lucrative and longer-lasting careers. In 2003 revelations of failed drug tests by Lewis before the 1988 Seoul Olympics put the validity of his achievements into question.

4 迈克尔·约翰逊Michael Duane Johnson(1967年9月13日-)保持着男子400米短跑与4x400米接力(美国队)的世界纪录。迈克尔·约翰逊夺得5面奥运金牌与9次世界田径锦标赛冠军,是唯一一位在同一次奥运夺得男子200米短跑与男子400米短跑两面金牌的运动员,也是唯一一位在男子400米短跑卫冕成功的运动员

Michael Duane Johnson (born September 13, 1967 in Dallas, Texas) is a retired United States sprinter. He won four Olympic gold medals and was crowned world champion nine times.[1] Johnson currently holds the world record in the 400 m and 4 x 400 m relay and formerly held the world record in the 200 m and Indoor 400 m. His 200 m time of 19.32 at the Atlanta Olympics stood as the record for over 12 years.

He is the only athlete in history to win both the 200 m and 400 m events at the same Olympics, a feat he accomplished at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia. Johnson is also the only man to successfully defend his Olympic title in the 400 m. Aside from his Olympic success, Johnson accumulated nine gold medals at World Championships, which is the most of any athlete in history.[2]

Johnson was noted for his unique running style. His upright stance and very short steps defied the perceived wisdom that a high knee lift was essential for maximum speed.


上中学期间,曾在一次中小学生田径运动会的100码跑比赛中以9秒4平了世界纪录,跳远达7.60米。他被俄亥俄州立大学看中录取,资助奖学金, 1935年在安阿伯举行的全美大会上,因在45分钟内5次打破4项世界纪录,平一项世界纪录而轰动体坛。同时其创造的跳远8.13米成绩保持达25年之久。柏林奥运会前创造的100米10秒2手记时世界纪录保持了21年。在1936年地11届奥运会上,他在11万观众面前夺得了100米、200米、跳远、4×100米接力4项金牌,平、破奥运会记录12次,成了本届奥运会最辉煌的人物。然而,欧文斯的奇迹却使东道国的纳粹党徒们恨之入骨,因为法西斯极力想利用奥运会标榜日尔曼民族的优越,一位黑人运动员在奥运会上出尽风头无疑给了他们当头一棒。特别是在跳远比赛的激烈竞争中,欧文斯在面前战胜夺冠呼声及高的德国选手朗后,抛掉作为东道国首脑应有的风度,气急败坏地离场,回避为冠军颁奖和握手祝贺的仪式。国际奥委会巴耶一拉图尔批评说,如果他不能一视同仁,继续歧视黑人运动员的话,干脆取消颁奖仪式。欧文斯回答记者的提问时说:“我到柏林不是来与什么人物握手的,我是来夺金牌的,现在这个目的我已经达到了,这就足够了。”欧文斯不仅也赢得了金牌而且赢得了道义。他的良好的体育道德和运动家风度,以及为人友善的品质,都使他成为全世界运动员崇拜的偶像。





许多优秀的外线球员在20世纪80年代及90年代都曾获得过此项荣誉,包括迈克尔-乔丹,加里-佩顿。但最近的几年,这个奖项却更倾向于那些防守出色的大个子球员,如穆托姆博 ,莫宁,本-华莱士,马库斯-坎比等。



LEBRON JAMES:KOBE是现役球员我最喜欢以及最欣赏的球员。




小牛队老板库班这几天参加了FSN的interview,当主持人Chris Myers 问到他谁是联盟里最好的球员时,库班说:“最好的球员...科比。当他不想被人阻止的时候,没人能阻止他。”("Best player...Kobe. When he doesn’t want to be stopped, you can’t stop him." )





PHIL JAKSON曾今评价26岁的KOBE:26岁的KOBE毫无疑问在26岁的JORDAN之上(大家别拍我),在他执教生涯中,他只遇到过两个天才,一个是JORDAN,另一个则是KOBE。

各界人士对科比81分的评论:"How many minutes did he play, 42? If he had an overtime game, maybe (100 would be possible)," New Jersey guard Jason Kidd said




You hate to be on the negative side of history, but you've got to give credit where credit is due," Toronto's Jalen Rose said. "It's going to be talked about, viewed, analyzed, overanalyzed for a long time. Unfortunately, we're going to be on the wrong side of the analysis."

Coach Rick Carlisle, whose Indiana team got torched by Bryant not so long ago, said, "I don't feel so bad about the 45 he got on us now."


Said Bird, Celtics legend turned Pacers president: "That's wild, that is really wild. It would be hard to believe if you didn't know it was true."


And Mike Montgomery's Golden State team, which is next in Bryant's crosshairs Friday: "I wish we had King Kong (to guard him). Anything we can do, we'll do."


"It was quite an exhibition," Winter said. "It's what the fans love. I don't think you can win a championship playing that way and so, consequently, I would be concerned about that. But it was a great victory and I don't want to take anything away from Kobe because it was one of the greatest I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of exhibitions."


"He's going to get 100-plus any day now," Bill Walton said, adding, "particularly if they keep playing Toronto."

"Forget the level of skill to get to that point, the level of physical fitness to keep going like that, to be in such a zone, is just unreal," the Hall of Fame center and NBA analyst said from his home in San Diego.

"It was like a game down at the rec center during the summer. That's what he turned it into. And he made everybody else look like a junior high school player."


"I don't know if anyone could he stopped him last night," West said by telephone. "It's so senseless to me to say he shouldn't take over like that. You give the same amount of shots to everybody else and they're not making that many, I know it."

"Players are jealous of greatness," West added. "Kobe is a unique talent and a unique person. His belief that he can jump to the moon is never going to change. But I admire him, what he's been able to overcome. You would think he would be a fair-haired man of the NBA with what's he's already done. But he's taken a fairly good battering."





Bulls Great Scottie Pippen:

"It's superb, definitely. Something that is new to me, that is shocking. I got the news last night about 3 in the morning, and I don't think I even went back to bed."



Cs Guard, Eric Snow:

"Hats off, he's the best. It's hard to get 50 in a game. He did it in a half. It takes a tough player who works really hard. I think he's one of the best ever."




"For Kobe Bryant to do this as a guard, it is a testimony to his athletic ability, incredible endurance."


"I think it is an awesome feat what Kobe did the other night, and I tip my hat to him. The one word that comes to mind when I think about what he accomplished is SPECIAL."


"Kobe brought his team back from a big deficit to win the game, so you like to see that. That means quite a bit more than getting points with no competition."


"That was a great game. It surprises you, but the guy was hitting shot after shot."


"It's impressive,. He's probably playing the best basketball of anyone in the NBA right now. When you’re taking jump shots, you’re going to get more tired. Wilt got all layups. With the athletes that are in the game today, no, it wouldn’t hen. You would he to put more minutes on the clock. Well, maybe Kobe could do it. If he shot every time down the floor.”


What was lost in all of that was that he got it going when they were down by 18 points. The other amazing part was that he didn’t get tired at the end.”


"To compare it to anybody would be useless. He set himself apart from everyone else. Everyone looks for another Michael Jordan, and there probably won't be one. What Kobe did was establish himself as one of the greatest scorers of all time at an early age. He's a phenom. I'm a believer, man. Now we've got to sit back and wait and see if anyone scores 82."


That should put all the questions to rest who's the most talented and who's the, you know, best offensive player in the league. You know if he would've had a decent first half, he might've got 100 points last night. I mean if anybody can go out there and score 25 points a quarter I would definetly say it's Kobe."


"We're witnessing greatness right now. We need to understand that. (asked: "Is he the best of the best?") Yeah, definetly."


"Is that for real? You know. That's what people will probably go around saying today. Did he really he 81 points? Is that possible?"


"Scoring 81 points is a truly amazing accomplishment. Of course, the most important thing is that his effort contributed to a victory for his team."


"It's amazing. Beyond amazing. He's on another level from any other player at this point. It's like he is toying with teams. If you push up on him, he just takes two steps back and shoots from further out. I hope the NBA adjusts its TV schedule so we all can see him play more. It would be fun to watch and fun to debate how far a one-man show can drag four other players in a team sport."

库班:It's amazing. Beyond amazing。他比联盟中任何一位球员爬上更高一个境界。看起来他似乎把球队当玩具来玩。如果你刺激了他,他就会变本加厉地还以颜色,投进一个更远的球。我希望NBA能调整电视转播,这样我们才有机会看到他更多比赛。去观察并争论凭一人之力能把另外四个带到到远,真的是一件很有趣的事,在这样的一种团体运动中。

"How many times did he get to the line? You'd think the Super Bowl would lead 'SportsCenter' tonight. But you know it won't. It can't. Kobe will. He has to."


Atlanta Hawks Radio Analyst, Dennis Scott:

"The most points I ever scored was 65 in the Urban Coalition summer league in D.C.. I had something like 16 3-pointers, and I'm telling you, I was dead tired when it was over. I saw the highlights of Kobe, and he looked like he could he played another game."

老鹰队广播评论员、前魔术队明星Dennis Scott说:我自己得过的最高分是65分,那是在华盛顿的一个夏季联赛中。我那时似乎投进了16个三分球,我告诉你,当比赛结束的时候,我真的累得要死。我看了科比今天的片段,他居然看起来能继续再打一场!

"It's not just a buzz about Kobe, it's a holler. That guy is incredible. That's why he's the best player in the league."


"I guess they say records are made to be broken. You wouldn't think it could be done, but if anybody could I guess it would be Kobe. It's just incredible. There's not much really you can say. Wow."


"Forget about 81 points. To be able to get up that many shots and still play defense at the other end of the floor, that's a pretty incredible physical accomplishment."


Hornets Guard Kirk Snyder:

"I heard about it after I had finished hanging out with Did West, and he called me and said that Kobe had scored 81. My first thought was is that I'm in the NBA with probably one of the best players ever to play in the NBA."


"The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about what Kobe did was the amount of shots he go. If anybody's going to score, it's Kobe. He can take as many shots as he wants, and nobody says nothing. Of course when you take 46 shots you are going to score, but he's good enough to make more than half of them. He's good enough to take good shots, and he just had one of those nights."

黄蜂扣篮小子JR SMITH说,当他听到这个消息后,第一个跑进他脑中的就是科比的投篮次数。如果真的有人能投这么多次,那只能是科比。他想投多少就能投多少,没人敢有意见。当然,当你投46次篮时,你也能得分,但他太优秀了,投进了过半的球。
